Case Study#1
Remediation of Former Bulk Fuel Depot
Property Developer
The site is a former fuel depot approximately 12 acres in size.
Hydrocarbons - gas, diesel, furnace oil.
Contaminant Concentrations:
up to 60,000 mg/kg with an average of 12,000 mg/kg.
Required Remediation Levels:
C6 - C10: 30 mg/kg
C10 - C16: 150 mg/kg
C16 - C34: 400 mg/kg
C34 - C50: 2800 mg/kg
Amount of Contaminated Soil:
130,000 tonnes
Remediation Approach:
Ex-Situ Bioremediation combined with pump and treatment of contaminated groundwater.
Time Frame:
May 2004 to November 2004
Project Description:
In order to make the development of the site economically feasible a less costly remediation option than dig and haul was required. Initially in-situ bioremediation was attempted but due to time constraints and the discovery of new contamination ex-situ bioremediation was decided upon.
Contaminated soil was excavated and moved on-site to remediation cells where the soil was treated. This process was repeated until all contaminated soil had been treated.
By November 2005 all of the soil had been treated and 75% of soil was below the new Ministry PHC fractions (F1 – F4). By spring of 2005 the rest of the treated soil should be below the MOE guidelines and the site should be eligible for Record of Site Condition status.