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Mikel chevy Melroy is an Engineering and innovative contracting company and varied experience in execution of landmark projects across length with established credentials in executing complex and challenging projects in all kinds of environment. Mikel chevy Melroy Engineering has repeatedly delivered projects on time and of the highest quality demonstrated its capabilities in sectors such as Roads/Bridge/Bio-remediation/Irrigation/Canals and Dams.


Our specialty is the bio-remediation of contaminated soil.


Mikel Chevy Melroy Engineering can treat very large amounts of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil effectively and inexpensively. Typically, 

the soil is treated right on the customer's site which provides for tremendous cost savings - typically 40 to 70% less than the cost of land filling.


We also have global experience in large-scale demolition and salvage, having completed projects in Japan, Australia, United States, Europe and the Middle East. Our expertise in both Construction, demolition and bio remediation allow us to provide an integrated and less costly approach to brownfield development.


Mr Melroy offers comprehensive, turn-key environmental management services. We are able to determine the most cost effective and appropriate solution for the handling of your waste streams. Our on-site experts will help in the classification and registration of waste, assist in the completion of manifests and manage your waste logistics requirements.


Apart from a wide range of pollution control products, we also nurture services pertaining to waste water treatment, air purification, effluent management, solid waste management etc. Our operational trainings, on-site support and trouble shooting assistance further backs our clients for effective waste management. Further, we also specialize in Equipment Procurement Contract (EPC) for water and waste water treatment plants. We are in joint venture with a leading Japaneses EPC company to concentrate on ASIAN Region at April 2007.

We are also interested in the purchase of contaminated or brownfield properties. If you are the owner of a site impacted with contamination and are thinking of selling please contact us by clicking in the menu above and fill out the form that follows.


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